You now have access to a complete set of tools and capabilities to help you reach more people and grow your business with webinars. To thrive in a world of changing technology, UNIVERGE BLUE MEET is a smarter, faster, engaging, and actionable meeting experience.

Invite and Promote
Promote your webinars with custom invitations, registration pages, and email reminders – together in one webinar solution.

Tell Your Story
Host webinars using slides or screen-sharing with up to 12 HD video presenters and up to 1,000 attendees.

Raise Engagement
Launch quick polls, share results in real-time, and gauge audience reactions to your content with emojis.

Analyze and Convert Your Audience
Generate detailed reports and follow up with emails and surveys to guide attendees down the purchasing funnel.

Streamline Marketing Automation
Integrate with 1,000 + business apps via Zapier to track your leads, registrations, and more!

    • HD video
    • Computer audio and Phone dial-in
    • Audio cues
    • International dial-in numbers in 40 countries
    • Host controls
    • Custom email invites, registration forms, and reminder emails
    • One-click screen sharing
    • Cloud-recording, storage, and playback hosting
    • Custom branding
    • Real-time quick polls
    • Live audience Q&A
    • Private and public chat
    • Audience waiting room
    • Presenter green room

Plus — All webinar packages come with UNIVERGE BLUE MEET PRO features.

Sales Strategies for Customers Adjusting to the “Work from Home” mode.

    • Now is the time to adapt and embrace technology for a more collaborative, accessible workplace.
    • To attract and retain employees Requires giving them the tools they Need to succeed.
    • Virtually visiting your customers has Never been more important than now.
    • An easy-to-understand webinar tool will ensure adoption and ROI.
    • WEBINAR does not care what voice platform is currently in use. This broadens your opportunities and leverages future business.
    • Video sharing and collaboration is no longer a luxury item.
    • WEBINAR has the tools and capabilities to help you reach more people and grow your business.